I used to think that this statement was not that odd, but the more I mention this fact to people, the more I get odd looks. You know, the kind of look you might give a two-headed person. The kind of look that combines shock and disgust. The kind of look that makes me think..."hey, maybe we should splurge for a new bed". Did I also mention that this bed (read: mattress) is over 10 years old? That it was mine in highschool, throughout college and now on into my adult years? Cause it is. Did I also mention that this bed has no headboard or footboard and that it is literally just a mattress, boxspring and bedframe? ....Yeah, I think it's probably about time for me to grow up. So that brings us to....
Dream Bed #1:

The Ella Bed from Z Gallerie
Queen: $1499.00
King: $1599.00
Dream Bed #2:
The Farmhouse Bed from Potterybarn
Queen: $1449.00 - On Sale for: $1199.00
King: $1649.00 - On Sale for: $1399.00
So, we have elegant & comfy versus classic & structured. I loooovvvvee both of these looks and honestly, I'd take either ;) Which is your favorite? I think both of these beds exude the mood you want for your master bedroom...luxurious getaway. They both SCREAM master bedroom...they're very attention drawing beds that would be the focal point of any room.
I listed both the queen and king prices because I'm not sure which size bed we'd get. Our current master bedroom could definitely handle a King sized bed (with room to spare), but I'm not sure what size bedroom we'll be working with down the road. Plus, when Mark and I travel and we sleep in king sized beds they seem SOOO big. almost too big! I sometimes even forget he's in the same bed as me! A queen bed seems more appropriately sized for us because neither of us are very large people...but down the road would we want a larger bed? Looking at the current rate that we buy beds (um...not very often or maybe more closely aligned to never!) in addition to the price tag on these, we're gonna have this bed for a WHILE! At this point it's only us and Rufus -- who insists upon sleeping with us every night -- but we're very shortly going to be adding one more to our family.......another baby kitty! :) Our little double sized bed is gonna get even more overcrowded, I imagine.
So...how bout you guys weigh in for me...do you prefer a queen or a king and why?
And I'll leave you guys with this:
a *slightly* embarrassing old picture (circa 2007) of Rufus' sleeping habits. ....yeah, he's a snuggler alright. I couldn't imagine where he gets that from ;)
the indecisive wife